Tuesday, March 22, 2011

BG Lovin' from Dunners

Did a skim look at Dunedin Art Gallery ..

b.1962, Niue

Lives and works in Auckland, New Zealand

Beginning his career as a poet and novelist, John Pule expanded his practice in the late 1980s and early 1990s to include drawing, printmaking, painting, performance and film. Born on the coral atoll of Niue, Pule migrated to Auckland, New Zealand, at a young age.

The experiences of migration and dislocation, as well as the exploration of his Niuean cultural heritage, continue to act as catalysts for Pule's practice.

Hahaha BG

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"YES PLEASE" Thai Takeaways

I would like to get to the point
Where you can
Invite people you know
To come to your shows for free
Rather then rely on them
To be the only people to pay.

I have been nervous all day on behalf of Rapt dancers.
It has been the hugest honour xx

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"I just re-arranged my dick in my pants. Shit got awkward."

According to facebook it is Hug A Lesbian Day
So I hugged Chris as my man identifying as a lesbian friend
And Elise as my straight female identifying as a lesbian friend

"I just re-arranged my dick in my pants. Shit got awkward."

I love hanging out with dancers. To be continued ..

Got bored. Cut my hair.
Rough as.
Scrunch and jab with sharp objects approach.
Masculine as.

My fullstop button has decided to stop working properly .. Now i've never been much of a fan of fullstops, i rather like long rambling sentences with very little structure which are super open to interpretation .. but i like double dots .. and it infuriates me that I can't use them to their full potential.

I heart I HEART DUNEDIN soon. disorganised. invite people.

Skin scent stamped
Wallowing in the night
Hands sparking stars into an
Excused, an exhaled space.
Closure is no option,
Ears feeding the silence with
Crackling faces, smiles to
Split seconds.
Warbled, the night moves,
Shifts in her sleep.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I was sitting in bed on Sunday morning drinking stove-top People's (greaaat birthday present) and reading the Sunday Star Times.

It is relaxing and horrific.

On the second page there is an article entitled:
Appeals face tougher time
by Jonathan Marshall.

It begins thus:
"CHARITY FOR Christchurch - especially from international donors - was last night under threat as the global focus diverts towards Japan."
SO I'm wondering ..


[aka link]

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Facts are subjective
Here are some facts
  1. Etched are super duper cute
  2. I got pegged by the Smoke and Mirrors cast last night
  3. Sean MacDonald has a lovely smile
  4. It feels like the lovely David Huggins is a friend from a long time ago. But he isn't.
  5. I spend far too much time thinking about other people's sex lives
  6. I can't name 3 English 60s pop bands
  7. I need a projector for Dunedin and I haven't organised it yet
  8. Some guys yelled at me for being a "fucking homo" last night. I considered a deep conversation about sexuality and my theories on the Scale but resisted. Was surprisingly hurt.
  9. Walking around Mt Albert at 6am is fun when you can sing the Priscilla Queen of the Desert soundtrack at the top of your lungs
  10. Stalking people's lovers on facebook is no fun when you don't know their name / can't see their pictures
And finally ..
This girl has got some style...

DANCAH: Anitra Hayday
Photo cred: Ruby Railey

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bang Bang - 1st Official Stage Presentation

So this week Bang Bang made his first official stage presentation. He got three rave reviews - I'm so very proud of him! He's so fresh. Just wants to eat all those finches up.
I just had a trial at Trinity. Trinity is the cafe that I have gone to regularly with every girlfriend / want to have as boyfriend I have had since moving to Auckland. They've seen me around. They know I like double flat white (girls). They use an automated tamper and do shots automatically too. It makes me ill. So I did this trial where I stood with my arms crossed and almost fell asleep. But who can claim a workplace that from walking out one's door and into work takes, on average, 30 seconds?
Cosset still rules. And PACE. Who might be putting on I HEART again in April. And paying us. Just saying.
These are real 3d glasses. I see the world as it is.
I wish I was a hot librarian.
Molly McDowall, you cunt.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011


This is my friend Rachel Walker who did the design for the paper women poster when we did it in the MAUforum 2009.
This is her website
she is great
I'd quite like her to design me a tattoo

Today I am exhausted and stressed about my piece

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bluey Portraits

Bluey portraits in the Parlour (I love this flat)
For more fabulousness see facebook ..

Steiner / O DAMN

This was in town yesterday .. haven't been to the website yet. As far as I saw at Steiner, bullying wasn't brilliantly delt with but I think it was just more visible then at other schools. Anyway, the parents bullying the teachers was the worst bit of it all.

This car was outside unitec today. it's numberplate was "O DAMN" and its windows were tinted. As I took the photo the guy thought that hymen and i were checking him out. we weren't.

Today we ran an excellent 29minutes after 7 rehearsals. Bless.